The Wanderer's Song of Wind 떠도는 이들이 전하는 바람의 노래
8 channel video installation
led monitors, chairs, polyethylene, metal haloid lamp
*List of Video Clips
-the song of wind 1_7min 1sec
-the wanderer 1_4min 14sec
-the song of wind 2_8min 27sec
-the song of wind 3_8min 8sec
-the wanderer 2_16min 46sec
-the wanderer 3_3min 7sec
-the song of wind 4_7min 9sec
-the wanderer 4_1min 47sec
*Performers: Lee Jeongguk, Yoo Changsuk
*Producer Kim Hyejin
*Colourist: Kim Jungho
*Assistant: Lee Yujin
*Photographer: Hong Jinwon
*Exhibition History:
2016 The Nanjing International Art Festival "HISTORICODE: Scarcity and Supply" , Baijia Lake Museum(Nanjing, China)
2015 Solo Exhibition 'In My Sky at Twilight', Sungkok Art Museum(Seoul, S.Korea)
An old man, piggybacked by a limping man, exits the city and wanders through space like invisible air. This work is an elegy to the outcasts of society induced by industrialization and urbanization polices
황량한 공간에서 빠져나와 현세 공간을 공기처럼 흘러다니는 백발노인을 업은 절름발이 남자의 영상을 통해, 도시 성장정책에 의해 삶의 터전을 떠나 떠돌아야 했던 이들에 대한 엘리지를 표현한 작업.
*Virtual Exhibition @
The Wanderer's Song of Wind 떠도는 이들이 전하는 바람의 노래, 2015