Muhyunkeum, 무현금 無絃琴
Muhyunkeum_asceticism 무현금_수행_11min 22sec
Muhyunkeum_wish 무현금_염원_9min 25sec
Muhyunkeum_exhalation 무현금_날숨_5min 18sec
Muhyunkeum_ Eros 무현금_에로스_12min 59sec
4 channel video
*Thanks to all those who participated in this video:
Gwangsik Won (National Important Intangible Cultural Asset # 112, The Head of Seongjong Temple Honorary Director of Jong Mueseum)
Yongsul Seol (Northern Chungcheo-do Intangible Cultural Asset # 13, Posser (holder) of Traditional Blacksmith technique)
Chanoh Nah ( the president of Ji Ji Printing)
Changhong Kim (the president of Defog, Inc.)
Bohyun Won ( Curator of Jincheon Jong Museum),
Hoonhee Lee (Representative of Artforum Lee),
Hyejin Kim ( Film Director),
Hangeuru Ryu (Section Chief of Willow Printing),
Janghee Lee (Team head of Defog, Inc.)
*Exhibition History:
2021 [?] balance of mass and acceleration, Art Centre Art Moment(Seoul, South Korea)
2020 Solo Exhibition 'Incomplete', Alternative Space LOOP(Seoul, South Korea)
2017 Beijing Film Academy International New Media Art Triennial Exhibition, Four Dimensional Space Art Museum(Beijing, China)
2016 Korean Ark, gallery2(Berlin, Germany)
2015 Muhyungeum, Jincheon Bell Museum(Jincheon, S.Korea)
It is a work that records the repetitive labor practices of ordinary living people that accept their present fate. I hope we will overcome our current lives that is full of agony and suffering. I wanted to express my reverence and awe for the skillful labor practices carried out at the hands of mankind.
원광식(국가중요무형문화재 112호 주철장. 성종사대표. 종박물관 명예관장)
설용술(충청북도 무형문화재 제13호 대장장 기능보유자)
나찬오(지지프린팅 대표)
김창홍(주식회사 디포그 대표)
원보현(진천종박물관 큐레이터)
이훈희(아트포럼 리 대표)
류 한그루(윌로우프린팅 과장)
이장희(주식회사 디포그 팀장)
현재의 운명을 처연히 받아들이며 살아가는 보통 사람들의 반복적인 노동행위를 기록한 작업이다. 고뇌와 번뇌로 가득한 현세를 처연히 극복해 나가기를 바라며, 생존을 위한 인간의 일차적인 노동 행위에 대한 경외감을 표하고자 한 작업이다.
Muhyunkeum, 무현금 無絃琴, 2015