Rehearsal 예행연습
a Radio-Controlled CAR, Wireless Camera, thread
(at Head Office of KEPCO(Korea Electronic Power Corporation). Dec 8 2010 12am~1am)
*Exhibition History:
2010 Lack of Electricity Ⅱ, Space CAN(Seoul, S.Korea)
Rehearsalwas an intervention performance which took place at the front gate of KEPCO (Korea Electronic Power Corporation). By utilizing a miniature car connected with a skein, the work was intended as a critical commentary on the problematic service and structure of the corporation through humorous and playful gestures.
Rehearsal(예행연습)은 실타레를 장착한 무선자동차를 조정하여 전력을 제공하는 불충분한 서비스에 대한 불만을 표출한 작업으로, 한국전력공사(KEPCO. Korea Electronic Power Corporation)본사 정문에 심리적 장애물을 만드는 행위를 한 개입형 퍼포먼스이다.
Rehearsal 예행연습, 2010