My Meursault 나의 뫼르소
sound-video installation
5min 5sec, 3min 20sec

*Performers: Koo Jinhyeong, Yoo Changsuk
*Producer: Kim Hyejin
*Colourist: Kim Jungho
*Assistants: Kim On, Lee Yujin, Lee Inhui
*Photographer: Hong Jinwon

*Exhibition History:
2018 Sleepless Namdo: 1948, 27719, 1457, 14028, 2018, Alt Space Loop(Seoul, S.Korea)
2015 Solo Exhibition 'In My Sky at Twilight', Sungkok Art Museum(Seoul, S.Korea)

Referring to Sisyphus, in Albert Camus’ The Myth of Sysyphus, who was condemned to spend his life repeating the meaningless task of pushing a boulder up a mountain, only to see it roll down, this installation reveals the feeling of lassitude rooted in the mundanity and self awareness of one’s existence and troubles.

매일 산 정상으로 돌을 굴려야하는 비극적 운명을 타고난 카뮈의 '시지프스'처럼 현재를 이겨내고 극복하려는 이들의 운명을 스크린영상 설치형식으로 보여준 작업.

*Virtual Exhibition @

My Meursault , 2015

installation viewinstallation view In My Sky at Twilight at Sungkok Art Museum(Seoul, 2015) installation viewinstallation view In My Sky at Twilight at Sungkok Art Museum(Seoul, 2015) installation viewinstallation view In My at Sky Twilight at Sungkok Art Museum(Seoul, 2015)